
May 29, 2015

Frozen Pizza!

I had my favorite frozen pizza for dinner tonight! It only takes 10-12 minutes in the oven and gets nice and crispy. It tastes really good, and it's not too greasy!
 It smelled so good when it was in the oven. :d
 The toppings, sauce, and cheese have good flavor, which is what makes it so good!
It was a happy pizza night.

May 22, 2015

Japanese Bento box

I made tempura shrimp for the first time to put in my bento box today!

Here's my work station. :D
I tried to make a chopstick rack that they could sit on while I waited for the oil to heat... But they fell back in the bowl later on, haha.
Waiting for the oil to go up to 375 degrees!
Splatted everywhere!
White container: soy sauce, tempura shrimp, kale, and cocktail sauce.
Blue container: Apricot, lemons, avocado, onigiri (rice balls) with nori sheets (seaweed).
Just bought a new soy sauce and I love the container! :D
I ate my bento box on the patio, it tasted good! :)
 Mini onigiri (rice ball) dipped in soy sauce and toasted sesame seeds.
mixing the rice, shrimp, avacado, and soy sauce tasted like sushi!

May 21, 2015

My Birthday 2015

My birthday was last month and I didn't even post anything yet! But I saved a bunch of pictures, so that's ok then.

First of all, thanks Google! :) Haha, "Aprils".
 To start off the day I had fried calamari at a nice restaurant near the beach for lunch! It was really good.
After that, I saw these cute catty Cats at Toys R us.
 I'm guessing this one's their leader...
 Oh and I couldn't leave without spending some quarters!
 I didn't want the slime to get on the nice tablecloth so I had to put a napkin down first. I love the orange.
 I also bought Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of time! 
 I had to take a quiz in the beginning of the game to find out what Pokemon I was going to be. But it told me I was a Treecko...
So I restarted the game and made sure I was a SQUIRTLE! (My favorite pokemon of course.)
And I chose Chikorita as my sidekick. I love her sassy leaf ponytail. :D
And I got a present later on! Wii Fit U! Yaaay!
 Perfect balance here I come.
 I even gave my Cat a profile!
 He's almost 14 and a half pounds! He's not fat, just big boned...
 Later on I went out to dinner and bought these candies!
 Then I got this cool glowy pillow!
 And here's my Keylime pie. It was a good birthday. :)

May 4, 2015

Star Wars day

Happy Star Wars day!
And now, a message from my Cat.
And it's not a complete Star Wars day without some music.
Episode II - Across the Stars
This is a good video too! And I love Cellos.